Feathering is a growing trend in hairstyles with claimed beginnings in Lubbock
by Terra Bella hairstylist, Cassie Temple.
Like the impressive tail of a peacock or much like Katy Perry's latest sensational top-40 controversy, humans have taken a similar eye-catching idea to heart, and to head.
They are here, they are there and they are literally in everyone's hair. No, they did not lose a fight to a bird, nor are the trendsetters sporting a bird's nest of any kind.
On the contrary, feathering is a growing trend in hairstyles with claimed beginnings in Lubbock by Terra Bella hairstylist, Cassie Temple.
"I really think I'm the one who started the feathers here," Temple said with confidence. "I was visiting Austin and came back with the idea. It really took off from there."
Temple said feathering is popular among her clients, especially trending for summer. She said the feathers, while temporary, are resistant to the standard, often damaging, hairstyling practices of today.
"They are waterproof and they handle heat," Temple said. "They curl, straighten and last anywhere from one to six weeks."
Temple said the hair "extensions" are fishing-lure inspired and tied into the hair by a bead. The inserts are often water-treated rooster feathers, which provide the resistance, the barber of three years said.
Alex Myatt, a Texas Tech senior from Levelland, said she tried the feathering on an impulse. She said the price was reasonable and it seemed like an interesting thing.
"When I first had them put in, no one had them," Myatt said. "Now, you literally cannot turn a corner without seeing them all over the place."
Nancy Sharp, communication director with LISD, said the district's policy toward the popular feathering trend is not mentioned specifically in the code of conduct.
"Anything that creates a classroom distraction is prohibited," Sharp said. "We have had no reports of small feathers in the hair being a problem."
Myatt said she often changes her hair for color, but is also interested in hair trends as they come and go.
Myatt said she had the feathers put in at a different Lubbock salon than Terra Bella, but said she received a recommendation for their services when people commented on her hair.
"Once in Market Street I was practically run out of the store by a girl when she found out I didn't go to Terra Bella for the feathers," Myatt said. "She had the feathers, too, and said their salon had them first and did them the best. I couldn't have argued with her certainty if I had tried."
Temple said several other summer hairstyles are currently trending.
"A lot of clients are going after the natural look as it warms up," Temple said. "A darker root on the head, longer on the hair, with lighter ends is a really hot thing right now."
She said the salon also does tinsel inserts, recently showcased on the reality-TV circuit by Bravo's Adrienne Maloof-Nassif, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star. Temple said the tinsel is not as heat resistant, but lasts for a considerable time if taken care of properly.
Temple said people generally take a more relaxed route with their hair for the summer and vacation months. She said she has seen braids on the rise.
"Everyone likes the braided look when it comes to summer," Temple said. "Side braids, long braids, they are always pretty popular."
Terra Bella's Facebook page advertises specials and prices, updated on their page's wall. A social media user of the salon posted the following as a response: "(They) are $30 a cluster, which has about 5 feathers in it. They are put in with a (little extension) bead. No harm is done to your hair at all!"
Terra Bella's Facebook page also updates their Wall with salon stylist contact and summer deals. The page also contains tips.
"It's fun to just let loose for summer and change it up," Temple said. "We're happy to do just about anything at the salon, and we are dedicated to doing it exactly how you'd like."
source : http://lubbockonline.com/life/2011-07-02/feathers-tinsell-braids-hot-summer-hairstyle-trends#.ThS0hkfwGt8